The following is a series of images from Tekapo locals, of the major snow fall of 2013.

University of Canterbury's Mt John Observatory. The view to the north from the window of the superintendent's residence.
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

Navigating the summit of Mt John
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

The view to the south-east from the summit of Mt John
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

The snow drifts against the residence at the summit of Mt John
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

The view of the driveway at the residence on the summit of Mt John
Can you spot the two cars?
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

The tractor is liberated. Now the work to clear the road begins.
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

The view of the same driveway.
Can you spot the 2 cars now?
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

The view towards Lake Alexandrina from the summit of Mt John
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

The road clearing begins. Part way down the access road to Mt John
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

Looking towards the MOA dome at the University of Canterbury's Mount John Observatory
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

Looking across at Mt Edwards from the summit of Mt John
Pam Kilmartin and Alan Gilmore

Lake Tekapo and Tekapo village
Air Safaris Helicopters

Lake Tekapo village
Air Safaris Helicopters

Lake Tekapo and the Godley and Macaulay Valleys
Air Safaris Helicopters